B7A file photo [2861]

B7A Ryusei

ManufacturerAichi Kokuki KK
Primary RoleDive Bomber


ww2dbaseThe B7A Ryusei ("Shooting Star") carrier-based dive and torpedo bombers were designed for the Japanese Navy according to a 1941 requirement. They were designed with enough versatility so that the single model could replace both B6N Tenzan torpedo bombers and D4Y Suisei dive bombers. They had a similar weight load than the aircraft they intended to replace, but an innovative internal bomb bay allowed them to carry two 250kg bombs, something that no Japanese single-engine attack aircraft could do at this point. Maneuverability was not sacrificed with the larger size. Although maiden flight first took place some time in 1941, trouble with engine manufacturing delayed the delivery significantly. In the end, only 114 were produced, and by that time there were hardly any aircraft carriers left to house these aircraft.

ww2dbaseAllied intelligence gave this model the name Grace.

ww2dbaseSource: Wikipedia.

Last Major Revision: Jan 2007


MachineryOne Nakajima NK9C Homare 18-cylinder radial engine rated at 1,825hp
Armament2×20mm Type 9 Model 2 cannon, 1×7.92mm or 13mm machine gun, 800kg of bombs or 1x800kg torpedo
Span14.40 m
Length11.49 m
Height4.07 m
Wing Area35.40 m²
Weight, Empty3,614 kg
Weight, Loaded5,700 kg
Speed, Maximum566 km/h
Rate of Climb9.60 m/s
Service Ceiling8,950 m
Range, Normal1,850 km


B7A attack aircraft being serviced, 1940sB7A attack aircraft in flight with a torpedo, 1940sB7A attack aircraft resting at an airfield, 1940sB7A attack aircraft warming up, 1940s
See all 9 photographs of B7A Ryusei Dive Bomber

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed Alan Chanter says:
19 May 2013 09:26:31 AM

Production of the B7A Ryusei was terminated after the Aichi factory was destroyed when a serious earthquake struck the Tokai district in May 1945. By then 80 machines had been built by Aichi with a further 25 at Omura.
2. Anonymous says:
27 Aug 2014 11:02:06 PM

Does anyone know what type of bombs it could carry and how many of each it carried? I'm asking because it only get HE bombs and no AP bombs like the other Japanese bombers in the game War Thunder.

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B7A Ryusei Dive Bomber Photo Gallery
B7A attack aircraft being serviced, 1940s
See all 9 photographs of B7A Ryusei Dive Bomber

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