Ki-48 file photo [12312]

Ki-48 Sokei

ManufacturerKawasaki Aircraft Industries
Primary RoleMedium Bomber


ww2dbaseKi-48 Sokei light bombers, designated by the Japanese Army as the Type 99 Twin-engined Light Bomber, were originally designed by Takeo Doi of Kawasaki Aircraft Company Limited, who began this project with the Ki-45 heavy fighter design. Meant to be used as a light bomber, they could only each carry 800 kilograms of bombs and only had three machine guns for defense. They first saw service in China starting in late 1940, where they were adequate against Chinese forces which generally lacked modern fighters and anti-aircraft weaponry. When the Pacific War started, they were deployed across all of southeast Asia. In China and Burma, they remained in active service, often used as dive bombers for ground support; in the Pacific islands, however, they were out-classed by American fighters. Near the end of the Pacific War, some Ki-48 aircraft were re-equipped as special attack weapons for suicide missions. During the design's production life, 1,997 examples were built, most of which were of the Ki-48-II variant.

ww2dbaseDuring the war, both the Chinese Nationalist and Communist forces operated captured Ki-48 aircraft; some of these aircraft remained in service until the 1950s. Indonesian forces had one of them, put together from a number of captured inoperable aircraft; it was used against Dutch forces during the Indonesian National Revolution in the late 1940s.

ww2dbaseThe Allies gave the Ki-48 aircraft the codename of Lily.

ww2dbaseSource: Wikipedia

Last Major Revision: Mar 2011


MachineryTwo Nakajima Ha.115 radial engines rated at 1,130hp each
Armament3x7.7mm Type 89 machine guns, 800kg of bombs
Span17.45 m
Length12.75 m
Height3.80 m
Wing Area40.00 m²
Weight, Empty4,550 kg
Weight, Loaded6,500 kg
Weight, Maximum6,750 kg
Speed, Maximum505 km/h
Service Ceiling10,000 m
Range, Normal2,400 km


Ki-48 aircraft in flight, circa 1940sKi-48 aircraft at rest, circa 1940sKi-48 aircraft preparing for takeoff, circa 1940sNose gunner of a Ki-48 aircraft exiting his position, circa 1940s
See all 27 photographs of Ki-48 Sokei Medium Bomber

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Anonymous says:
14 Mar 2011 04:09:19 PM

I would love to know if any of these planes are in museums.

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Ki-48 aircraft in flight, circa 1940s
See all 27 photographs of Ki-48 Sokei Medium Bomber

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