22 Jan 1945
- USS Caiman arrived at Fremantle, Australia, ending her first war patrol. ww2dbase [Caiman | CPC]
- Four squadrons of Spitfire fighters of the RAF, carrying bombs, knocked out a German liquid oxygen rocket fuel factory at Alblasserdam in the Netherlands. ww2dbase [CPC]
- The remnants of the German 4th Panzer Army successfully fled to the Oder River in eastern Germany. ww2dbase [Vistula-Oder Offensive | CPC]
- By this date, all Japanese troops in Yunnan Province, China were pushed to the Burma side of the Sino-Burmese border. ww2dbase [Salween Offensive | CPC]
- USS Sennet attacked a Japanese patrol boat off the Bonin Islands; the single torpedo missed. ww2dbase [Sennet | CPC]
- USS Bailey departed Eniwetok to escort a convoy to Guam. ww2dbase [Bailey | DS]
- USS Nicholas put to sea from Mangarin Bay, Mindoro and resumed her duties as a convoy escort. ww2dbase [Nicholas | DS]
- Indian 20th Division captured Monywa, Burma on the Chindwin River and reached the Irrawady River at Myinmu. ww2dbase [Battle of Meiktila-Mandalay | Monywa | CPC]
- Anglo-Indian troops began assaulting Kangaw, Burma. Meanwhile, off the coast, additional troops were disembarked on Ramree Island and Royal Marine commandos landed at Daingbon Chaung on the coast. ww2dbase [Third Battle of Arakan | Kangaw | CPC]
- USS Barb, acting on information shared by Sino-American Special Technical Cooperative Organization (SACO), continued to pursue a Japanese convoy up the coast of China. When it entered into a bay near Nanguan Island ("Namkwan harbor") on the southern border of Zhejiang Province, Commander Eugene Fluckey checked in with Sino-American Special Technical Cooperative Organization (SACO), which reported no known minefield. ww2dbase [Barb | Nanguan, Zhejiang | CPC]
- Soviet forces captured Allenstein and Insterburg in Ostpreußen (East Prussia), Germany. ww2dbase [East Prussian Offensive | Ostpreußen | TH]
- The keel of U-3052 was laid down on Slip V of AG Weser shipyard in Bremen, Germany. ww2dbase [U-3052 | Deutsche Schiff- und Maschinenbau AG | Bremen, Weser-Ems | CPC]
- USS Yorktown (Essex-class) launched raids on Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands. ww2dbase [Yorktown (Essex-class) | Philippines Campaign, Phase 2 | Okinawa | DS]
- USS New Mexico departed Lingayen Gulf, philippine Islands. ww2dbase [New Mexico | Lingayen Gulf | CPC]
- Joseph Stilwell arrived in the United States. ww2dbase [Joseph Stilwell | CPC]
- Escort carrier USS Card arrived at the Philadelphia Navy Yard for an extensive overhaul. ww2dbase [Philadelphia Navy Yard | Card | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | DS]

22 Jan 1945 Interactive Map
Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis
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