28 May 1945

- Japanese air offensive sank destroyer USS Drexler and damaged several other ships off Okinawa, Japan. ww2dbase [Okinawa Campaign | CPC]
- The British Admiralty ended the convoy system in the Atlantic Ocean. ww2dbase [AC]
- USS Tunny departed Guam, Mariana Islands. ww2dbase [Tunny | CPC]
- USS Guitarro departed Saipan, Mariana Islands. ww2dbase [Guitarro | CPC]
- Light carrier Hosho was camouflaged at Nishinomishima, Japan. ww2dbase [Hosho | CPC]
- USS Ray sank 3 small Japanese vessels west of Japan with her deck gun. ww2dbase [Ray | CPC]
- Vice Admiral John S. McCain, Sr. relieved Marc Mitscher as the commanding officer of US Navy Task Force 38; USS Shangri-La remained McCain's flagship. ww2dbase [Shangri-La | John McCain | Marc Mitscher | CPC]
- William Joyce, whose radio broadcasts to Britain during the war had earned him the nickname "Lord Haw-Haw", was captured by British troops. ww2dbase [William Joyce | AC]
- USS Shamrock Bay departed Apra Harbor, Guam, Mariana Islands with US Navy squadron VC-96 on board. ww2dbase [Shamrock Bay | Apra | CPC]
- USS Manta departed Pearl Harbor, US Territory of Hawaii for her first war patrol. ww2dbase [Pearl Harbor Navy Base and Ford Island Naval Air Station | Manta | Honolulu, Oahu | CPC]
- USS Gabilan arrived at Pearl Harbor, US Territory of Hawaii, ending her fifth war patrol. ww2dbase [Pearl Harbor Navy Base and Ford Island Naval Air Station | Gabilan | Pearl Harbor, Oahu | CPC]
- USS Yorktown (Essex-class) resumed air support missions over Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands. ww2dbase [Okinawa Campaign | Yorktown (Essex-class) | Okinawa | DS]
- I-14 departed Moji, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, arriving at Chinkai Naval Station in Chinkai (now Jinhae), Korea later in the same day. ww2dbase [I-14 | Moji, Fukuoka | CPC]
- USS New Mexico departed Okinawa, Japan. ww2dbase [New Mexico | Okinawa | CPC]
- USS St. Louis departed the Okinawa area bound for Leyte Gulf, Philippines. ww2dbase [St. Louis | Okinawa | DS]
- Patrol Boat No. 102 completed the installation work of a Type 13 air search radar at Kure, Japan. ww2dbase [Kure Naval Arsenal | Stewart | Kure, Hiroshima | CPC]

28 May 1945 Interactive Map
Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis
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