21 Jul 1945
  • The Allied leadership threatened Japan with destruction if it did not surrender. ww2dbase [Japan's Surrender | CPC]
  • Allied leaders selected Nürnberg, Germany as the location for trials against accused German war criminals. ww2dbase [Nuremberg Trials and Other Trials Against Germany | CPC]
  • Soviet submarine ShCh-411 was commissioned into service. ww2dbase [CPC]
Caroline Islands
  • USS Macabi reached waters near Truk, Caroline Islands as a lifeguard vessel. ww2dbase [Macabi | Truk | CPC]
  • British Prime Minister Winston Churchill took the salute at a parade of the 7th Armoured Division through the Charlottenburger Chaussee in Berlin, Germany. This was a great honour to the "Desert Rats" who had fought all the way from El Alamein, Egypt to the German capital. ww2dbase [Winston Churchill | Berlin | AC]
Japan Pacific Ocean
  • USS Sea Robin fired a torpedo at a Japanese patrol boat in the East China Sea; the torpedo missed. Later in the same day, she sank two small tankers with her deck gun. ww2dbase [Sea Robin | East China Sea | CPC]
  • Casablanca-class escort carrier USS Steamer Bay detached from her replenishment group and set a course for Guam. ww2dbase [Steamer Bay | DS]
Photo(s) dated 21 Jul 1945
American trucks returning part of US$500 million worth of Florentine artwork looted by Germans, Piazzo Dei Signoria, Florence, Italy, 21 Jul 1945Bernard Montgomery, Winston Churchill, Harold Alexander, and Anthony Eden at the Charlottenberger Chausce reviewing stand during the Berlin victory parade, Germany, 21 Jul 1945Brigadier General A. J. McFarland, Admiral William Leahy, and Admiral Ernest King at a meeting during the Potsdam Conference, Germay, 21 Jul 1945Major General Lauris Norstad, General Henry Arnold, and General George Marshall at a meeting during the Potsdam Conference, Germany, 21 Jul 1945
See all photos dated 21 Jul 1945

21 Jul 1945 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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Famous WW2 Quote
"All that silly talk about the advance of science and such leaves me cold. Give me peace and a retarded science."

Thomas Dodd, late 1945

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