26 Jul 1945
  • Clement Attlee became the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. ww2dbase [Clement Attlee | AC]
  • USS Indianapolis delivered components of the atomic bomb "Little Boy" to Tinian, Mariana Islands. ww2dbase [Indianapolis | TH]
  • USS Charr arrived at Fremantle, Australia, ending her third war patrol. ww2dbase [Charr | CPC]
  • The Potsdam Ultimatum was issued, threatening Japan with "utter destruction" if it did not surrender unconditionally. ww2dbase [Potsdam Conference | CPC]
  • USS Nicholas and the replenishment group she was escorting rendezvoused with carrier Task Force 38 northwest of Chichi Jima for refueling and replenishment. ww2dbase [Preparations for Invasion of Japan | Nicholas | DS]
Australian New Guinea Guam
  • With a load of aircraft, escort carrier USS Bogue departed Guam bound for Pearl Harbor. ww2dbase [Bogue | Apra Harbor | DS]
  • Light carrier Hosho departed Kure, Japan for Moji, Japan. ww2dbase [Hosho | Kure, Hiroshima | CPC]
  • Counter-flooding allowed Settsu, already grounded at Etajima, Japan, to settle at even keel. ww2dbase [Settsu | Etajima, Hiroshima | CPC]
Pacific Ocean
  • USS Bugara sank 5 small enemy craft with her deck gun in the Gulf of Siam and South China Sea area during the day. ww2dbase [Bugara | South China Sea | CPC]
  • USS Whale rescued downed aviators in the Pacific Ocean amidst floating naval mines. ww2dbase [Whale | CPC]
  • USS Bailey responded to a report of downed airmen 130 miles west of Morotai. With the assistance of search aircraft, Bailey rescued five crew members of a downed USAAF B-24 Liberator bomber of the 868th Bombardment Squadron. The men were transferred to another ship in the convoy before Bailey was detached and redirected to Subic Bay, Philippines. ww2dbase [Bailey | Celebes Sea | DS]
United Kingdom
  • The results of the 5 Jul 1945 election in the United Kingdom was revealed, yielding a Labour Party victory over Winston Churchill's Conservative Party, 394 seats to 188 seats. As Churchill prepared to be replaced by Clement Attlee, many of his war time ministers had also lost their seats, including Air Minister (and later Prime Minister) Harold Macmillan. Throughout the world, there was much sympathy for the great wartime leader. The New York Daily News called him "The greatest Englishman of his time and one of the greatest of all time". ww2dbase [Winston Churchill | London, England | AC]
Photo(s) dated 26 Jul 1945
Indianapolis off Tinian, days before she was sunk, circa 26 Jul 1945General Dwight Eisenhower greeting US President Harry Truman, Frankfurt, Germany, 26 Jul 1945Brigadier General Doyle Hickey, General Dwight Eisenhower, and US President Harry Truman, Neuisenberg, Germany, 26 Jul 1945Harry Truman and James Byrnes with Brigadier General A. G. Rolling at Heppenheim, Germany, 26 Jul 1945
See all photos dated 26 Jul 1945

26 Jul 1945 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"We no longer demand anything, we want war."

Joachim von Ribbentrop, German Foreign Minister, Aug 1939

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