1 Sep 1944
  • Cruiser Köln conducted minelaying operations off southern Norway during this month. ww2dbase [Köln | CPC]
  • Montgomery was promoted to the rank of field marshal. ww2dbase [Bernard Montgomery | TH]
  • In France, British XII Corps crossed the Somme River, Canadian forces captured Dieppe, and US Third Army captured Verdun. ww2dbase [TH]
  • A Japanese aircraft attacked USS Tunny with four bombs, the first two of which caused a leak in a vent riser, among other damage. Her commanding officer decided to end the patrol early to receive repairs. ww2dbase [Tunny | CPC]
  • The US coastal minesweeper YMS-21 was lost after striking a mine off Toulon, France. ww2dbase [AC]
  • USS Pintado set sail for Pearl Harbor, US Territory of Hawaii. ww2dbase [Pintado | CPC]
  • USS Becuna came across a Japanese soldier in a small boat; after taking the soldier prisoner, she sank the boat with machine gun fire. ww2dbase [Becuna | CPC]
  • USS Essex crossed the Equator in the Pacific Ocean on a southward course. ww2dbase [Essex | CPC]
Australian New Guinea Czechoslovakia Dutch East Indies France
  • US troops began their attack on Brest, France. ww2dbase [Brittany Campaign | Brest, Bretagne | TH]
  • Dwight Eisenhower took direct command of all three Allied army groups operating in France, relieving Bernard Montgomery of this role. ww2dbase [Dwight Eisenhower | CPC]
  • Having established a bridgehead over the Meuse River at Commercy and Verdun in France, the US Third Army runs out of petrol after outrunning their communications. It would not be until 5 Sep 1944 that some petrol was flown in to allow the advance to continue, but the Germans had been given vital days to arrange their defences and prepare to make a stand. ww2dbase [Lorraine | AC]
Hawaii Italy Japan
  • Mutsu was struck from the Japanese Navy list. ww2dbase [Mutsu | CPC]
  • After sundown, aircraft of No. 1586 (Polish Special Duties) Flight RAF dropped supplies to the Radom-Kielce district south of Warsaw, Poland as well as the Kampinos Forest. Four crews were lost. ww2dbase [Warsaw Uprising | Warsaw | CPC]
  • U-23 fired three torpedoes into the harbor of Constanţa, Romania and reported three detonations at about 0333 hours. Two of them of them damaged berthing facilities, while another struck and sank the already-damaged Romanian merchant ship Oituz. U-23 departed at about 0400 hours and laid one EMS mine in the roads near Tuzla lighthouse about 10 kilometers to the south. ww2dbase [U-23 | Constanţa | CPC]
  • American aircraft raided Takao (Chinese: Kaohsiung), Taiwan. Patrol Boat No. 102 fired back with her anti-aircraft guns. ww2dbase [Stewart | Takao | CPC]
United Kingdom
  • British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden responded to Chaim Weizmann's 6 Jul 1944 request, rejecting Weizmann's request to bomb rail lines leading to Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland. ww2dbase [Discovery of Concentration Camps and the Holocaust | London, England | CPC]
  • Several waves of V-1 flying bombs were launched across the English Channel toward Britain, most failed to make their targets being brought down by coastal gunners; Folkestone batteries brought down 19 and saw 3 more destroyed by fighters behind them. Of the 19 brought down by batteries, Hythe got 9, while Dover brought down 6. The credit for the third of the 3 brought down by fighters was given to Warrant Officer Tommy Hetherington of 129 Squadron, brought down in the afternoon; this was his unit's 66th bomb to be destroyed; Hetherington had very little ammunition left and although seeing strikes he ran out flying around the bomb he managed to upset the bombs gyros with his slipstream, the bomb fell into the sea 5 miles from Dover on the British coast. One bomb that succeeded in getting through exploded close to the battery at Lyddon Spout beach, Dover. It wounded 4 soldiers on guard. The battery had been upgraded to Mark XXIV six-inch guns. ww2dbase [V-Weapons Campaign | Vergeltungswaffe 1 | England | HM]
United States
  • Franklin Roosevelt visited Lucy Mercer Rutherfurd in Allamuchy, New Jersey, United States. After dinner, he departed for Hyde Park, New York, United States by train. ww2dbase [Franklin Roosevelt | Allamuchy, New Jersey | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 1 Sep 1944
Map depicting the western front of the European War, 1 Sep 1944Map depicting the US 7th ArmyP-40 Warhawk fighter Field Marshal Montgomery stands up in his 1943 Humber Super Snipe staff car as he crosses a pontoon bridge over the River Seine at Vernon, France, 1 Sep 1944.
See all photos dated 1 Sep 1944

1 Sep 1944 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"The raising of that flag on Suribachi means a Marine Corps for the next 500 years."

James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy, 23 Feb 1945

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