5 Oct 1939
  • HMS Eagle made rendezvous with light cruiser Liverpool. ww2dbase [Eagle | CPC]
  • HMS Cumberland after refueling at Freetown, British West Africa (now Sierra Leone) was sent to join cruisers Exeter, Achilles and Ajax for continuation of interception patrols as Force G. ww2dbase [Exeter | Cumberland | DS]
Arctic Ocean
  • Westerwald was officially commissioned into service, though she was already on a mission supporting cruiser Deutschland at this time. ww2dbase [Nordmark | CPC]
Atlantic Ocean China
  • In a downed aircraft, Chinese troops discovered General Yasuji Okamura's order calling off the offensive on Changsha, Hunan Province, China. Nearby, Chinese 23rd Division attacked a Japanese Navy anchorage at Yingtian (now Miluo), damaging several vessels. ww2dbase [First Battle of Changsha | Yingtian, Hunan | CPC]
Hawaii Latvia Poland United Kingdom
  • HMS Firedrake disembarked the 16 survivors of British merchant ship Glen Farg, sunk by U-23 on the previous day, at Kirkwall, Orkney Islands, Scotland, United Kingdom. ww2dbase [Kirkwall, Scotland | CPC]
United States
  • Franklin Roosevelt spoke to Winston Churchill for the first time over the telephone. Roosevelt, who initiated the call, engaged Churchill in a discussion on the German attempt to attack American shipping as an attempt to sabotage British-American relations; such an effort would later found to be a mere rumor. ww2dbase [Franklin Roosevelt | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 5 Oct 1939
Adolf Hitler at a German military parade in Warsaw, Poland, 5 Oct 1939Walther von Brauchitsch and Adolf Hitler at a victory parade, Warsaw, Poland, 5 Oct 1939

5 Oct 1939 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"Goddam it, you'll never get the Purple Heart hiding in a foxhole! Follow me!"

Captain Henry P. Jim Crowe, Guadalcanal, 13 Jan 1943

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