Bluie East Five

Type   247 Other
Historical Name of Location   North Greenland, Greenland
Coordinates   73.491187000, -21.537138000


ww2dbaseBluie East Five was originally established in the early 1930s as a scientific station, located on a small peninsula on the south coast of Clavering Island in eastern Greenland. After the arrival of US forces, it served as a radio and weather station and the headquarters of the Danish North-East Greenland Sledge Patrol until 1943. In Mar 1943, it was raided by a German patrol, which destroyed the main building. Fearing German usage, US aircraft bombed the site. Bluie East Five was re-established at nearby Myggbukta, a Norwegian whaling, radio, and weather station originally established in the 1920s.

ww2dbaseSource: Wikipedia

Last Major Update: Feb 2019

Bluie East Five Interactive Map

Bluie East Five Timeline

23 Mar 1943 A German military patrol raided the original Bluie East Five radio and weather station in eastern Greenland, destroying the main building.
14 May 1943 US aircraft bombed the Bluie East Five site in eastern Greenland, suspecting German usage of the site.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Anonymous says:
23 Mar 2021 02:27:17 PM

3/23/1943 "9 US B-17 bombers attacked the Japanese base at Rabaul, New Britain, causing damage to the airfields. One of the bombers dropped large bombs in the Rabalanakaia volcano in an attempt to artificially cause an eruption, but the attempt was successful; the Americans did not realize that the volcano was actually dormant. ww2dbase [Rabaul, New Britain | CPC]" should read attempt unsuccessful
2. Commenter identity confirmed C. Peter Chen says:
25 Mar 2021 05:15:53 AM

Thank you, anonymous of 23 Mar 2021. The typographical error has been corrected.

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Modern Day Location
WW2-Era Place Name North Greenland, Greenland
Lat/Long 73.4912, -21.5371
Famous WW2 Quote
"With Germany arming at breakneck speed, England lost in a pacifist dream, France corrupt and torn by dissension, America remote and indifferent... do you not tremble for your children?"

Winston Churchill, 1935

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