Torpedo Squadron 6 TBD-1 Devastator aircraft of USS Enterprise in flight in foreground, with an additional nine TBD-1 aircraft in background, 1938 [Colorized by WW2DB]

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Caption     Torpedo Squadron 6 TBD-1 Devastator aircraft of USS Enterprise in flight in foreground, with an additional nine TBD-1 aircraft in background, 1938 [Colorized by WW2DB] ww2dbase
Colorization Note   This photograph was originally a black and white photograph; the colorized version presented here was a derivative work by WW2DB. The colors used in this version were speculative, and could be significantly different from the real colors.

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Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseUnited States National Archives
Link to Source    Link
Identification Code   80-G-19341
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TBD Devastator   Main article  Photos  
Photo Size 740 x 583 pixels
Added By C. Peter Chen
Colorized Date 24 Feb 2023
Licensing  Public Domain. According to the US National Archives, as of 21 Jul 2010:
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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
20 Nov 2010 10:05:56 AM

TBD of VT-6 from the Carrier USS Enterprise the squadron received their TBDs in 1938.
The Douglas Devastator, was the last of its
The TBD-1 was the US Navy's first operational
all-metal low wing monoplane and it looked
impressive compared to what it replaced, the
ancient biplane torpedo bomber.

Crewed by three men Pilot, Bombardier and
gunner, but flew with two crewmen. Armed w/
one torpedo and 2x30caliber machine guns,
one gun fixed on the right side, and used
by the pilot, the other by the rear gunner
later 1x50caliber machine gun replaced the
30 caliber weapon used by the pilot.

The TBD could carry three 500lb bombs, two
1,000lb bombs or twelve 100lb bombs.
By modern standards, the TBD was slow and
vulnerable to enemy fighters and defensive
anti-aircraft fire.

The Battle of Midway in June 1942, 41 TBDs
were launched against the Japanese things
went wrong, they lost there fighter escort,
antiaircraft fire was directed at them alone
fighters shotdown many of them, before they
could launch their torpedos.


Lt. Cdr. John Waldron skipper of VT-8 the
attacking TBDs pressed home their attacks
with courage only one of its 15 crews were
able to drop a torpedo, and it missed its
target. After Midway the TBDs were used as
trainers, and later retired. Replaced by the
TBF Advenger.

But VT-8s sacrific was not in vane while the
Zeros were on the deck attacking the TBDs
SBD Dauntless dive-bombers attacked and sank
four of Japan's aircraft carriers, the empire
would never recover from the loss of planes,
experienced pilots an ground crews.
2. Bill says:
21 Nov 2010 01:19:32 PM

OOPS! Misspelled Avenger, In 1967 made a fuel
stop at Midway Island.
I remember it was hot and windy, also there
was a Memoral dedicated to those who defended
the island against the Japanese.

During the Vietnam War,thousands of US Troops
stopped at midway for fuel and emergency repairs. This was over Forty Years Ago, when
I was younger, much younger.

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"With Germany arming at breakneck speed, England lost in a pacifist dream, France corrupt and torn by dissension, America remote and indifferent... do you not tremble for your children?"

Winston Churchill, 1935

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