Georgy Zhukov, Bernard Montgomery, Konstantin Rokossovsky, and Vasily Sokolovsky (rear row, between Montgomery and Rokossovsky) in Berlin, Germany, 12 Jul 1945; note Brandenburg Gate in background

Caption     Georgy Zhukov, Bernard Montgomery, Konstantin Rokossovsky, and Vasily Sokolovsky (rear row, between Montgomery and Rokossovsky) in Berlin, Germany, 12 Jul 1945; note Brandenburg Gate in background ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseImperial War Museum
Identification Code   4905-03 TR 2913
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Bernard Montgomery   Main article  Photos  
Georgy Zhukov   Main article  Photos  
Konstantin Rokossovsky   Main article  Photos  
Photo Size 797 x 543 pixels
Photos on Same Day 12 Jul 1945
Photos at Same Place Berlin, Germany
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  According to the United Kingdom National Archives, Crown copyright material that has been created prior to 1 Jun 1957 is considered to be in the public domain.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Mirjam Rotenstreich says:
1 Apr 2018 04:22:18 AM

My name is Mirjam Rotenstreich. I am a Dutch novelist. But the book that I am now writing, is about my father's life. He was born in 1912 in Butzanów, a Jewish shtetl in Galicia, today Western Ukraine. As a victim of the houlocaust, he told almost nothing to me, his child. What I doknow, is that he, like many Russian Jews, served in the Red Army during World War II. He was an interpreter and took care of the communication.

My father died on July 24, 2014. He was 101 years old.

Recently I saw the photo above (Zhukov_Brandenburg_Gate_1945.jpg)

I was shocked. The man at the far left of the picture, next to Georgy Zhukov, wearing a shirt and tie under his uniform, looked so much like my father. On closer examination I started to doubt. Unfortunately, I can not find the name of this person anywhere. That is why I write to you. Can you give me the name of this man and the position he held?

You would make me a very happy person if you could help me find the name.

With kind regards,

Mirjam Rotenstreich
Johannes Verhulststraat 69
1071 MT Amsterdam
0031 (0) 653663954

* Caption: Georgy Zhukov, Bernard Montgomery, Konstantin Rokossovsky, and Vasily Sokolovsky (rear row, between Montgomery and Rokossovsky) in Berlin, Germany, 12 Jul 1945; note Brandenburg Gate in background ww2dbase
Source: ww2dbaseImperial War Museum
Identification Code: 4905-03 TR 2913
2. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
1 Apr 2018 04:32:25 PM

The man to Zhukov’s right is in the uniform of a British officer, a captain. He is visible in some of the other photos from this event and is probably the interpreter on Montgomery’s staff.

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Modern Day Location
WW2-Era Place Name Berlin, Germany
Lat/Long 52.5163, 13.3777
Famous WW2 Quote
"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."

Winston Churchill, on the RAF

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