Focke-Wulf 200 Condor on an airstrip, date and location unknown.

Caption     Focke-Wulf 200 Condor on an airstrip, date and location unknown. ww2dbase
Source    ww2dbaseGerman Federal Archives
Identification Code   Bild 101I-432-0796-07
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Photo Size 785 x 299 pixels
Added By David Stubblebine
Licensing  Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany License (CC BY-SA 3.0 DE).

See Bild 101I-432-0796-07 on Wikimedia Commons

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
10 Nov 2015 07:18:20 PM


FW200 Condor of I./KG40 or 1 Staffel, Gruppe Kampfgeschwader 40
2. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
28 Oct 2016 06:52:57 PM


Focke-Wulf FW 200C-3/U4 (F8+GH) of 1./KG 40 based Bordeaux-Merignac, France
sits on Greek Airfield


During WWII several FW 200's made emergency landings in Spain. At first the aircraft were repaired and returned to their bases in France.
However, different sources reported that under political pressure, the Spanish Government started to intern all military equipment that arrived on Spanish soil, but allowed the crews to return to France the aircraft left in Spain, couldn't be used again.


The Germans later sold the aircraft to the Spanish, even though, the aircraft were now interned and grounded.
One was operated by the Spanish Air Force, while the others were used as a source for spare parts.
Due to damage, lack of spares and political reasons the survivors were grounded and scrapped around 1950.
3. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
5 Nov 2016 03:33:53 PM


Focke-Wulf FW 200 C-3/U4
(F8+GH) later as (KF+QN)
crashed off island of Fleves.
Assigned to I./KG 40 Bordeaux-Merignac, France

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