USS Ranger at anchor in Pearl Harbor, Territory of Hawaii, late 1944.

Caption     USS Ranger at anchor in Pearl Harbor, Territory of Hawaii, late 1944. ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseUnited States Navy National Museum of Naval Aviation
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Ranger   Main article  Photos  
Photo Size 1,876 x 1,353 pixels
Photos at Same Place Hawaii
Added By David Stubblebine
Licensing  Public Domain. According to the United States copyright law (United States Code, Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105), in part, "[c]opyright protection under this title is not available for any work of the United States Government".

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Rich Miller says:
1 Jan 2021 10:52:09 PM

Call it mid-summer to early fall. Ranger was in the Atlantic (or the Med) until she left Norfolk on July 12 1944 and transited the Canal Zone on July 16. She arrived at San Diego on July 25, where she loaded up 90 airplanes and almost 1200 personnel (including 900 Marines) and headed for Pearl Harbor on July 28, arriving there August 3. She acted as a training carrier until replaced by Saratoga (Sara had been in overhaul at Puget Sound after her excursion with the British Fleet and returned to Pearl September 24) with one shared training mission October 1-5. Ranger left Pearl to return to San Diego on October 13, 1944 and acted as the west coast training carrier for the rest of the war, working from either San Diego or Alameda. She recorded her 75,000th landing on July 14, 1945 and may have taken as many as 2000 more before the end of the war, but was never involved in combat in the Pacific.

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