Jan Jankowski file photo [25789]

Jan Jankowski

Given NameJan
Born6 May 1882
Died13 Mar 1953

ww2dbaseJan Stanisław Jankowski was born in the village of Krassów Wielki near Wysokie Mazowieckie, Poland. He was educated in Austro-Hungarian Galicia and co-found the National Worker's Union in 1906. In 1915, he joined the Polish Legions and fought in WW1. After WW1, with Poland's identity re-emerged, he co-founded the National Workers' Party in 1920 and remained a prominent leader among it until 1933; between 1921 and 1926, he was Poland's Minister of Labor. During WW2, with Poland occupied by German forces, he remained in the country and continued his work with labor and other social issues with the underground Polish state, and slowly becoming one of the leaders of the Polish resistance. On 31 Jul 1944, he was among the Polish leaders who ordered the Warsaw Uprising, which was to aid Russian efforts to drive out the German occupiers. Moscow, however, saw him as a threat; he was arrested by the Russian People's Commisariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD) in Mar 1945. He was tortured and accused of being a Nazi collaborator. Jankowski died in a Russian prison, possibly murdered, in 1953.

ww2dbaseSource: Wikipedia.

Last Major Revision: Jun 2006

Jan Jankowski Timeline

6 May 1882 Jan Jankowski was born.
13 Mar 1953 Jan Jankowski passed away.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Anonymous says:
5 Mar 2012 06:23:57 PM

i am closely related to him
2. Anonymous says:
21 Oct 2012 02:07:42 PM

hi does anyone know what herb (clan) he came from? looking at the Polish map Jastrzebiec looks very likely as they were based around Lomza Minsk and Vilnius.
3. Anonymous says:
25 Nov 2012 01:30:26 PM

son Joseph and Julianna Oledzka;
wife x1921 Helena Bankowska
v-ce premier RP
4. Marie-Josée Talbot says:
27 Feb 2013 10:31:02 AM

I would like to contact the family of Jan Stanislaw Jankowski for genealogical informations.

Could someone help me?


Marie-Josée Talbot
5. Ole Gron says:
24 Apr 2016 01:18:53 PM


I try to get information about a Jankowski family, very hwealthy, possibly nobility with a social awareness, who moved to Elblog in 1918 and stayed there til after WWII - untill after 1968. He sould have been a minister in a Polish government before the WWII. The oldest son Alexander is said also possibly to have been a minister in a government.



Could they be related to Jan Stanisław Jankowski
6. Bob Jankowski says:
30 May 2016 07:57:58 AM

I need help finding my dead  from WWII. My father was a linguistic allied support person. His name was Boleslaw(bolus?) Jankowski. Please help since ha did not talk about it much before he died in 1995, mother in 1990. Dad born in April 1921, mother(Marianne) April 1922. Thanks. Bob Jankowski

Sent from my LG G Pad 7.0 LTE, an AT&T 4G LTE tablet
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Event(s) Participated:
» Warsaw Uprising

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"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You win the war by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country!"

George Patton, 31 May 1944

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