3,225 items in this album on 162 pages.
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African-American baritone singer Paul Robeson leading the song 'Star Spangled Banner' at Moore Shipyard, Oakland, California, United States, Sep 1942 | Newspaper photo of US Army Air Force Chief of Transport Command, Major General Harold George, congratulating Nancy Harkness Love on her appointment to head the Women’s Auxiliary Ferry Squadron (WAFS), Sep 1942 | Roosevelt touring Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, California, United States, 24 Sep 1942, with Japanese midget submarine Ha-19 in background | Type A Ko-hyoteki class Ha-19 midget submarine captured in Hawaii after the Pearl Harbor attack seen at Mare Island Navy Yard in California, United States at the beginning of its cross-country war bonds tour, 24 Sep 1942 |
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A female North American Aviation employee working on a section of the leading edge of an aircraft horizontal stabilizer, Inglewood, California, United States, Oct 1942 | A man and a woman working on an aircraft at the Douglas Aircraft plant, Long Beach, California, United States, Oct 1942 | A worker of the North American Aviation factory in Inglewood, California, United States operating a drop hammer that made sheet metal parts for aircraft production, Oct 1942 | African-Americans participating in the 'V' home campaign, Washington, DC, United States, Oct 1942 |
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American woman working at the Douglas Aircraft Company plant, Long Beach, California, United States, Oct 1942 | American woman working with electrical wiring at the Douglas Aircraft Company plant in Long Beach, California, United States, Oct 1942 | An American woman being trained as an aircraft engine mechanic at the Douglas Aircraft Company in Long Beach, California, United States, Oct 1942 | Employees of American Aviation, Inc. working with sheet metal, Inglewood, California, United States, Oct 1942; note woman working on pneumatic numbering machine |
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Female American factory worker taking a lunch break, Douglas Aircraft Company plant, Long Beach, California, United States, Oct 1942 | Female employee of Douglas Aircraft Company doing electrical assembly and installation work on an aircraft, Long Beach, California, United States, Oct 1942 | Female inspectors checking transport aircraft innerwings at the Douglas Aircraft Company plant in Long Beach, California, United States, Oct 1942 | US Marine munitions officer John Day at a field office of 7th Marine Regiment, Guadalcanal, 1942 |
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United States Coast Guard sailor setting the depth fuse on a depth charge aboard sub-Chaser PC-556 in the Atlantic, 8 Oct 1942 | Troops of the Chinese Expeditionary Force on parade in front of the Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi, Delhi, India, 24 Oct 1942 | WAVES Ensign May Herrmann recruiting two women at the Officer Procurement office, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 30 Oct 1942 | Heinrich Himmler reviewing Hitler Youth members in Molotschna, Ukraine, 31 Oct 1942 |
3,225 items in this album on 162 pages.