21 Jul 1942

Australian Papua
  • Tenryu provided cover for the landings at Buna, Australian Papua. ww2dbase [Tenryu | Buna | CPC]
22 Jul 1942

Australian Papua
  • Troops of the Japanese South Seas Detachment began to march across the Kokoda Trail from Buna toward Port Moresby in Australian Papua. USAAF B-17, B-25, and B-26 bombers, escorted by P-39 and P-4000 fighters and supported by RAAF P-40 fighters, in five separate attacks, targeted Japanese shipping in the area, damaging transport Ayatosan Maru and killing 16 men aboard destroyer Uzuki. After dark, Australian Lieutenant John Chalk led a small contingent of natives in small engagements with Japanese soldiers before falling back. ww2dbase [New Guinea-Papua Campaign, Phase 2 | Buna | CPC]
2 Aug 1942

Australian Papua
  • 5 B-17 bombers attacked Japanese shipping near Buna, Australian Papua; 9 Zero fighters of the Tainan Air Group intercepted the attackers, forcing the bombers to release their bombs before reaching their targets; 1 bomber was lost on this mission. ww2dbase [New Guinea-Papua Campaign, Phase 2 | Buna | CPC]
16 Aug 1942

Australian Papua
18 Aug 1942

Australian Papua
16 Nov 1942

Australian Papua
  • The US 128th Infantry Regiment began an attack on Japanese positions south of Buna, Australian Papua. The 1st Battalion (Colonel McCoy) attacked along the coast from Embogo and crossed the Samboga River, while the 3rd Battalion (Colonel Miller) attacked inland from Simemi. Their objectives were the air strips at the centre of the Japanese eastern defences. On the first day opposition was minor but their sole supply line, consisting of six barges ferrying supplies from the airstrip at Ponondetta further to the east, was destroyed when Japanese Zero fighters strafed the barges, destroying their loads of ammunition, medicine and critically, the artillery and mortars. With the loss of the barges further movement was delayed until 19 Nov 1942 as troops and stores had to come by foot. ww2dbase [New Guinea-Papua Campaign, Phase 2 | Buna | AC]
29 Dec 1942

Australian Papua
14 Jan 1943

Photo(s) dated 14 Jan 1943
Thomas Blamey and Robert Eichelberger, Buna, Australian Papua, 14 Jan 1943General Thomas Blamey and Lieutenant General Robert Eichelberger, Buna, Australian Papua, 14 Jan 1943

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us... they can't get away this time."

Lt. Gen. Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, at Guadalcanal

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