26 Jul 1939
- Adolf Eichmann was placed in charge of the Prague branch office of the German National Central Office in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, responsible for deportation of Jews. ww2dbase [Adolf Eichmann | Prague | CPC]
21 Oct 1941
- Horst Böhme was promoted to the rank of SS-Standartenführer. ww2dbase [Horst Böhme | Prague | CPC]
19 Jan 1942
- Jaroslav Krejcí was named the prime minister of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. ww2dbase [Prague | CPC]
4 Jun 1942
- Reinhard Heydrich, while en route to the airport, was ambushed by British SOE-trained Czech agent Jan Kubis and Slovak agent ozef Gabcík in the suburb of Liben near Prague, Czechoslovakia. Gabcík attempted to fire a STEN gun at Heydrich's car, but the weapon jammed. Heydrich ordered the driver to stop so he could confront Gabcík, and the thus far unseen Kubis took the chance to throw an anti-tank mine at the car, fatally wounding Heydrich. ww2dbase [Special Operations Executive | Reinhard Heydrich | Prague | CPC]
19 Jan 1945
- Richard Bienert was named the prime minister of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. ww2dbase [Prague | CPC]
30 Apr 1945
- German police chief Obergruppenführer Karl Hermann Frank announced over radio that any attempt to rise up by the citizens of Prague in the puppet state of Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia would be wiped out violently. ww2dbase [Prague Strategic Offensive | Karl Hermann Frank | Prague | CPC]
7 May 1945
- German SS troops attacked Czechoslovakian resistance fighters outside of Prague, Czechoslovakia; the resistance fighters were saved by the unexpected assistance from 1st Division of Russian Liberation Army, which has previously fought on the side of the Germans. Meanwhile, in the city, German Field Marshal Ferdinand Schörner ordered his troops to begin evacuating the city, while he would soon depart by plane to southern Germany himself; the plane would crash en route, but he would survive the ordeal. ww2dbase [Prague Strategic Offensive | Prague | CPC]
8 May 1945
- German Field Marshal Ferdinand Schörner escaped Prague, Czechoslovakia for Austria. ww2dbase [Prague Strategic Offensive | Prague | CPC]
9 May 1945

- Soviet troops entered Prague, Czechoslovakia. A large number of German troops, fleeing Prague, reached the area between villages Milín, Slivice, and Cimelice near the US-USSR demarcation line. ww2dbase [Prague Strategic Offensive | Prague | AC, CPC]

10 May 1945
11 May 1945
- The Soviet Prague Strategic Offensive in Czechoslovakia concluded. On the same day, SMERSH agents arrested many Russian émigrés in Prague; in 2003, the Czech government would name this day "the day of the destruction of Russian intellectuals". ww2dbase [Prague Strategic Offensive | Prague | CPC]
16 May 1945
- Exiled Czechoslovakian President Eduard Beneš returned to Prague, Czechoslovakia to a rapturous welcome. ww2dbase [Edvard Beneš | Prague | AC]
9 Jun 1945
- Soviet SMERSH agents arrested Russian émigré and liberal political activist Prince Pyotr Dolgorukov in Prague, Czechoslovakia. ww2dbase [Prague | CPC]
22 May 1946
- Karl Hermann Frank was executed by hanging at the Pankrác Prison in Prague, Czechoslovakia. ww2dbase [Karl Hermann Frank | Prague | CPC]
Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis
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