19 Jan 1890
French Indochina
French Indochina
- Prince Petsarath Ratanavongsa was born in Luang Phrabang, Kingdom of Luang Phrabang (now Laos). ww2dbase [Ratanavongsa Phetsarath | Luang Phrabang, Laos | CPC]
20 Aug 1945
French Indochina
French Indochina
- Laotian nationalist groups Lao Issara and Lao-pen-Lao took control of Savannakhet and Thakhek ahead of the incoming Chinese occupation forces and French colonial administrators. ww2dbase [Laos | CPC]
25 Aug 1945
French Indochina
French Indochina
- A small French commando force under Colonel Hans Imfeld entered Luang Prabang, Laos, French Indochina with support from King Sisavang Phoulivong. ww2dbase [Luang Prabang, Laos | CPC]
27 Aug 1945
French Indochina
French Indochina
- Laotian Prince Ratanavongsa Phetsarath, the head of government, took over Vientiane and announced the creation of the Lao Issara Army out of the previously Japanese-sponsored civic guard. ww2dbase [Ratanavongsa Phetsarath | Laos | CPC]
28 Aug 1945
French Indochina
French Indochina
- Laotian Prince Ratanavongsa Phetsarath, the head of government, notified his provincial governors, including those in the French-controlled areas in southern Laos, that Laotian independence was to be their common goal. ww2dbase [Ratanavongsa Phetsarath | Luang Phrabang, Laos | CPC]
30 Aug 1945
French Indochina
French Indochina
- French Commissioner Colonel Hans Imfeld convinced Laotian King Sisavang Vong to retract the declaration of Laotian independence he had made with Japanese support four months prior. ww2dbase [Laos | CPC]
1 Sep 1945
French Indochina
French Indochina
- Prince Ratanavongsa Phetsarath again announced his rejection of the resumption of the French protectorate in Laos, calling for the United Nations to acknowledge Laotian independence. ww2dbase [Ratanavongsa Phetsarath | Laos | CPC]
2 Sep 1945
French Indochina
French Indochina
- Pro-independence Prince Ratanavongsa Phetsarath attempted, but failed, to convince French-leaning Laotian King Sisavang Vong to endorse an unified Laos regardless of their differing views on the independence issue. ww2dbase [Ratanavongsa Phetsarath | Laos | CPC]
3 Sep 1945
French Indochina
French Indochina
- A small French and Laotian military unit arrived in Vientiane, Laos. ww2dbase [Vientiane, Laos | CPC]
5 Sep 1945
French Indochina
French Indochina
- Prince Souphanouvong, a civil engineer working in Vietnam since 1929, offered his Vietnamese connections in support of Laotian independence. Viceroy and Prime Minister Prince Phetsarath Ratanavongsa rejected the offer, fearing Vietnamese influence in Laotian affairs. ww2dbase [Laos | CPC]
9 Sep 1945
French Indochina
French Indochina
- Lao Issara Army, with Viet Minh support, prevented French forces from entering Savannakhet, Laos. ww2dbase [Savannakhet, Laos | CPC]
15 Sep 1945
French Indochina
French Indochina
- French troops entered Pakse, Laos, French Indochina at the invitation of Champassak Prince Boun Oum. ww2dbase [Pakse, Laos | CPC]
- Prince Petsarath Ratanavongsa of Luang Phrabang again announced his intention to unite all Lao provinces into a single state free of French influence. He also announced a new currency and a new tax regime independent of French laws. ww2dbase [Ratanavongsa Phetsarath | Luang Phrabang, Laos | CPC]
17 Sep 1945
French Indochina
French Indochina
- In Laos, French Indochina, King Sisavang Vong of Luang Phrabang rejected the pro-independence measures announced by Prince Ratanavongsa Phetsarath two days prior. ww2dbase [Ratanavongsa Phetsarath | Luang Phrabang, Laos | CPC]
23 Sep 1945
French Indochina
French Indochina
- Chinese forces entered Luang Prabang, Laos and disarmed French troops in the name of maintaining peace between the Lao and French peoples. ww2dbase [Luang Prabang, Laos | CPC]
4 Oct 1945
French Indochina
French Indochina
- Prince Ratanavongsa Phetsarath of Luang Phrabang wrote a memorandum to the Chinese occupation authorities in Laos, stating that he rejected the resumption of French colonial rule. ww2dbase [Laos | CPC]
7 Oct 1945
French Indochina
French Indochina
- Prince Souphanouvong of Luang Phrabang, a communist supporter, arrived in Savannakhet, Laos with Viet Minh guards. ww2dbase [Savannakhet, Laos | CPC]
8 Oct 1945
French Indochina
French Indochina
- Prince Souphanouvong of Luang Phrabang arrived in Thakhek, Laos and announced the creation of the Liberation and Defence Army. He was also made the president of the Committee of Independent Laos, which was formed on the same day. ww2dbase [Thakhek, Laos | CPC]
10 Oct 1945
French Indochina
French Indochina
- In Laos in French Indochina, King Sisavangvong of Luang Phrabang dismissed Prime Minister Prince Ratanavongsa Phetsarath, as suggested by Charles De Gaulle; Prince Ratanavongsa Phetsarath would formally accept the dismissal on 15 Oct. Nationalists responded by forming a revolutionary government, which was intended to be led by the prince. ww2dbase [Laos | CPC]
12 Oct 1945
French Indochina
French Indochina
- The two-day old revolutionary government in Laos proclaimed its independence from French rule. ww2dbase [Laos | CPC]
15 Oct 1945
French Indochina
French Indochina
- Prince Ratanavongsa Phetsarath of Luang Phrabang formally accepted his dismissal as the Laotian Prime Minister, believing that the newly formed revolutionary government could succeed its anti-French goals without support from the king. ww2dbase [Ratanavongsa Phetsarath | Laos | CPC]
20 Oct 1945
French Indochina
French Indochina
- The nationalist Lao Issara government deposed King Sisavangvong of Luang Phrabang. ww2dbase [Laos | CPC]
30 Oct 1945
French Indochina
French Indochina
- Prince Ratanavongsa Phetsarath of Luang Phrabang agreed to a consolidation between the Lao Issara Army and the Committee of Independent Laos. The combined force would be placed under the command of Prince Souphanouvong of Luang Phrabang, who had previously been the leader of the Committee of Independent Laos. ww2dbase [Ratanavongsa Phetsarath | Laos | CPC]
4 Nov 1945
French Indochina
French Indochina
- A small armed Lao Issara group, led by city officials, took control of the royal armory and the royal treasure in Luang Prabang, Laos, overcoming the few Chinese occupation administration soldiers guarding each of these installations. ww2dbase [Luang Prabang, Laos | CPC]
10 Nov 1945
French Indochina
French Indochina
- The Lao Issara government announced that it no longer recognized Prince Savangvatthana as the crown prince. ww2dbase [Laos | CPC]
10 Apr 1957
French Indochina
French Indochina
- Petsarath Ratanavongsa arrived in Luang Phrabang, Kingdom of Laos amidst a large welcoming crowd. ww2dbase [Ratanavongsa Phetsarath | Luang Phrabang, Laos | CPC]
16 Apr 1957
French Indochina
French Indochina
- Petsarath Ratanavongsa was made the Vice-King (Oupahat) of the Kingdom of Laos by King Sisavang Vong. ww2dbase [Ratanavongsa Phetsarath | Luang Phrabang, Laos | CPC]
14 Oct 1959
French Indochina
French Indochina
- Vice-King Petsarath Ratanavongsa passed away in Luang Phrabang, Kingdom of Laos. ww2dbase [Ratanavongsa Phetsarath | Luang Phrabang, Laos | CPC]
Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis
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