7 Jul 1884
- The firm Nagasaki Shipyard and Machinery Works was founded by Yataro Iwasaki in Nagasaki, Japan. The firm would operate the government-owned shipyard at Nagasaki; the firm would purchase the shipyard from the government three years later. ww2dbase [Mitsubishi Nagasaki Shipyard | Nagasaki | CPC]
15 Dec 1921
- The keel of Destroyer No. 1 was laid down by the Mitsubishi Shipbuilding and Engineering Company in Nagasaki, Japan. ww2dbase [Mitsubishi Nagasaki Shipyard | Kamikaze | Nagasaki | CPC]
18 Dec 1921
- The 40,000-ton battleship Tosa was launched by Mitsubishi at Nagasaki, Japan. Intended to be one of the second pair of high-speed battleships under the 8-8 programme, she would be cancelled before completion by the Washington Treaty and eventually scuttled on 9 Feb 1925. ww2dbase [Mitsubishi Nagasaki Shipyard | Nagasaki | AC]
25 Sep 1922
- Destroyer No. 1 was launched at the Mitsubishi shipyard in Nagasaki, Japan. ww2dbase [Mitsubishi Nagasaki Shipyard | Kamikaze | Nagasaki | CPC]
3 Dec 1927
- The keel for ship numbered 451 was laid down at Mitsubishi Shipbuilding's yard at Nagakaki, Japan. ww2dbase [Mitsubishi Nagasaki Shipyard | Tatsuta Maru | Nagasaki | CPC]
12 Apr 1929
- Ship number 451 of Mitsubishi Shipbuilding's Nagasaki Yard in Japan was launched and named Tatsuta Maru. ww2dbase [Tatsuta Maru | Mitsubishi Nagasaki Shipyard | Nagasaki | CPC]
5 Aug 1942
22 Jan 1943
- Tatsuta Maru arrived at Nagasaki, Japan at 0400 hours. The 663 Canadian prisoners of war aboard were disembarked where they would be sent to work in the mines as forced laborers. ww2dbase [Tatsuta Maru | Nagasaki | CPC]
23 Jan 1943
- Tatsuta Maru departed Nagasaki, Japan and arrived at Sasebo, Japan later on the same day. ww2dbase [Tatsuta Maru | Nagasaki | CPC]
11 Aug 1944
- 24 China-based B-29 Superfortress bombers of US 20th Bomb Squadron attacked Nagasaki, Japan between about midnight until 0312 hours. They targeted industrial areas, but most of the bombs ended up exploding in the damp forest near Oyama and Mount Hiko. 9 homes were destroyed, about 50 homes were damaged, 13 people were killed, and 26 people were seriously injured. ww2dbase [Bombing of Tokyo and Other Cities | Nagasaki | CPC]
18 Mar 1945
- US aircraft dropped propaganda leaflets over Nagasaki, Japan for the first time. ww2dbase [Nagasaki | CPC]
24 Mar 1945
- The city government of Nagasaki, Japan restructured its wartime administration in an attempt to bolster preparations for emergency air defense, sacrificing the priority of waterworks and harbor portions of the government. ww2dbase [Nagasaki | CPC]
26 Apr 1945
- One US B-29 Superfortress bomber attacked Nagasaki, Japan at 1100 hours, having arrived undetected. The main targets were Dejima Wharf, Ohato Pier, and the rail station complex. About 30 people were killed or wounded aboard municipal ferries Tsuru Maru and Mizunoura Maru at Ohato Pier, while the bomb that fell near Platform No. 2 at the rail station killed about 90 people, wounded about 170 people, and severely damaged three passenger cars. The bomb that fell on Dejima Wharf failed to explode. ww2dbase [Bombing of Tokyo and Other Cities | Nagasaki | CPC]
14 May 1945
- US Navy carrier aircraft strafed targets in Nagasaki, Japan. ww2dbase [Bombing of Tokyo and Other Cities | Nagasaki | CPC]
5 Jul 1945
- American B-24 bombers based on Okinawa, Japan bombed the Omura-Nagasaki area in the Japanese home islands. On the same day, more than 100 American fighters based on Iwo Jima, Japan attacked targets in eastern Honshu in the Japanese home islands. ww2dbase [Bombing of Tokyo and Other Cities | Nagasaki | CPC]
19 Jul 1945
- The Nagasaki Prefectural Government in Japan ordered all national elementary schools in the prefecture's five cities to move classes to sites such as shrines, private homes, and the likes as a safety measure to protect children against US bombing. ww2dbase [Bombing of Tokyo and Other Cities | Nagasaki | CPC]
29 Jul 1945
- 32 US A-26 aircraft attacked Nagasaki, Japan between 1000 and 1200 hours, dropping 51 tons of bombs and 6 tons of fragmentation bombs. The main target were the industrial facilities on the water. The ship fitting factory at the Mitsubishi shipyard was totally destroyed; several other industrial facilities nearby were also damaged. Merchant ship Sansui Maru No. 5 was sunk at its mooring at Akunoura. The attack also destroyed a 20-meter stretch of street car tracks, damaged the Nagasaki Teachers Training School, destroyed 43 homes, and damaged 113 homes. In total, 22 people were killed, 40 people were wounded, and 3 people were reported missing. ww2dbase [Bombing of Tokyo and Other Cities | Mitsubishi Nagasaki Shipyard | Nagasaki | CPC]
31 Jul 1945
- 29 B-24 bombers of US 7th Air Force attacked Nagasaki, Japan in the morning, sinking ferry Kinko Maru, damaging the Kawanami Shipyard at Koyagishima, destroying 72 homes, and damaging 76 homes. 11 people were killed and 35 people were wounded. ww2dbase [Bombing of Tokyo and Other Cities | Nagasaki | CPC]
1 Aug 1945
- 24 B-24 and 26 B-25 bombers attacked Nagasaki, Japan, dropping 112 tons of bombs starting at about 1120 hours, in three waves. They mainly targeted the munitions factories and the Mitsubishi shipyard. In total, 169 people were killed, 215 people were wounded, 40 people were missing, 107 homes were destroyed, and 134 homes were damaged. The Mitsubishi shipyard, the Mitsubishi Steelworks, and the Nagasaki Medical College suffered heavy damage. The railroad tracks between Urakami and Nagayo were also damaged. ww2dbase [Bombing of Tokyo and Other Cities | Mitsubishi Nagasaki Shipyard | Nagasaki | CPC]
9 Aug 1945

See all photos dated 9 Aug 1945
- B-29 bomber Bockscar dropped the atomic bomb "Fat Man" on the city of Nagasaki, Japan, killing 40,000 to 75,000 immediately. B-29 bombers The Great Artiste and Big Stink flew on Bockscar’s wing. The Great Artiste carried scientific measuring equipment and Bing Stink carried photography equipment. ww2dbase [Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki | Operation Trinity and Manhattan Project | William Laurence | Nagasaki | CPC]

See all photos dated 9 Aug 1945
22 Sep 1945
9 Aug 1948
- The first American-authorized atomic bomb commemoration ceremony took place in Nagasaki, Japan. Colonel Victor Delnore, the commanding officer of the occupation government in the city, in a speech promised a partnership between Japan and the United States for rebuilding and for future peace. ww2dbase [Nagasaki | CPC]
7 Dec 1988
- Mayor Hitoshi Motoshima of Nagasaki, Japan said, in a city council meeting, that Emperor Showa bore some responsibility for what had happened in WW2. ww2dbase [Nagasaki | CPC]
18 Jan 1990
- Mayor Hitoshi Motoshima, who had in 1988 noted that he believed Emperor Showa bore some responsibility for what happened during WW2, was the target of an assassination attempt by a member of a right-wing group. Motoshima survived. ww2dbase [Nagasaki | CPC]
9 Aug 2011
- Deputy chief of the US embassy in Tokyo James Zumwalt became the first US official to attend the annual atomic attack memorial ceremony at Nagasaki, Japan. He offered a wreath of flowers to Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan. ww2dbase [Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki | Nagasaki | CPC]
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Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
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