12 Jan 1942

  • German Luftwaffe group I./KG 100, with 28 He 111 bombers, arrived at Focsani, Romania. ww2dbase [Focsani, Vrancea | CPC]
30 Jan 1942

  • German Luftwaffe group I./KG 100, flying He 111 bombers, was ordered to move from Focsani, Romania to Saky, Ukraine. They were to fly raids against Soviet shipping in the Black Sea and supply columns along the Black Sea coast. ww2dbase [Focsani, Vrancea | CPC]
11 May 1944

  • German Luftwaffe units I./KG 55 and II./KG 55 were sent to Focsani, Romania; they would cover the evacuation by sea of the last German ground forces fighting in the Crimea region of Russia for the subsequent five days. ww2dbase [Focsani, Vrancea | CPC]

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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