7 Jun 1887

  • Sydir Kovpak was born near Poltava, Russia (now Ukraine). ww2dbase [Sydir Kovpak | Poltava | CPC]
18 Sep 1941

17 Jan 1942

  • Walther von Reichenau passed away from either a cerebral hemorrhage or a heartattack near Poltava, Ukraine. ww2dbase [Walther von Reichenau | Poltava | CPC]
3 Jul 1942

  • Adolf Hitler arrived at Poltava, Ukraine to meet with Fedor von Bock to discuss the offensive in southern Russia. ww2dbase [Adolf Hitler | Poltava | CPC]
22 Jun 1944

  • He 111 bombers from various units of German Luftwaffe KG 4 (pathfinders), KG 53, and KG 55 were launched to attack US bombers at Poltava and Mirgorod (Myrhorod) Airfields in Ukraine; navigation errors led to all bombers attacking Poltava, starting from 2355 hours on the previous date into this date. 44 US B-17 bombers and 15 various other US and Soviet aircraft were destroyed; 26 US B-17 bombers were damaged. All German bombers returned to their bases safely. ww2dbase [Poltava | CPC]

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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Winston Churchill, on the RAF

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