20 Dec 1940
United States
United States
- The Maritime Commission formally issued contracts to Henry Kaiser and Joseph Todd to build a new shipyard on the east shore of San Francisco Bay in the tidal flats of Richmond, California. The contract also called for Kaiser and Todd to build 30 merchant ships according to a British design. ww2dbase [Henry Kaiser | Kaiser Richmond Shipyards | Richmond, California | DS]
14 Apr 1941
United States
United States
- The first keel was laid at the new Kaiser Richmond Shipyard in Richmond, California, United States. The ship would later serve with the British Merchant Navy as the SS Ocean Vanguard and was sunk by torpedo off Trinidad in 1942. ww2dbase [Kaiser Richmond Shipyards | Richmond, California | DS]
17 Sep 1941
United States
United States
- The first keel was laid at the new Kaiser Richmond Shipyard No. 2 in Richmond, California, United States. The ship would later serve with the British Merchant Navy as the SS James Otis and was wrecked off Devon, England, United Kingdom in Feb 1945. ww2dbase [Kaiser Richmond Shipyards | Richmond, California | DS]
2 Jan 1942
United States
United States
- The keel of Stephen Hopkins was laid down by the Kaiser Richmond Shipyards in Yard No. 2, Way #3 in Richmond, California, United States. ww2dbase [Stephen Hopkins | Kaiser Richmond Shipyards | Richmond, California | CPC]
14 Apr 1942
United States
United States
- Stephen Hopkins was launched at the Kaiser Richmond Shipyards at Yard No. 2 in Richmond, California, United States. ww2dbase [Kaiser Richmond Shipyards | Stephen Hopkins | Richmond, California | CPC]
15 May 1942
United States
United States
- The first of the 489 Liberty Ships built at the Kaiser Richmond Shipyards was laid down in Shipyard No. 1. The ship was delivered 97 days later as the SS Edward Rowland Sill and served until 1967. ww2dbase [Liberty-class | Kaiser Richmond Shipyards | Richmond, California | DS]
5 Aug 1942
United States
United States
- US Navy LST-476 was laid at the Kaiser Richmond Shipyards in Richmond, California, United States. This was the first ship to be laid down at Richmond's new Shipyard No. 4. ww2dbase [Kaiser Richmond Shipyards | Richmond, California | DS]
11 Nov 1942
United States
United States
- The first ship was launched at the new Kaiser Richmond Shipyard No. 3 in Richmond, California, United States. The ship would later served with the US Navy as USS George O. Squier, lead ship of her class of troop transports. ww2dbase [Kaiser Richmond Shipyards | Richmond, California | DS]
12 Apr 1943
United States
United States
- The keel of George Washington Carver was laid down at Yard No. 1 of Kaiser Richmond Shipyards, Richmond, California, United States. ww2dbase [Kaiser Richmond Shipyards | George Washington Carver | Richmond, California | CPC]
7 May 1943
United States

United States
- George Washington Carver was launched at Yard No. 1 of Kaiser Richmond Shipyards, Richmond, California, United States, sponsored by actress and civil rights activist Lena Horne. ww2dbase [Kaiser Richmond Shipyards | George Washington Carver | Richmond, California | CPC]

26 Jul 1943
United States
United States
- The keel of Antoine Saugrain was laid down at Yard No. 2, Kaiser Richmond Shipyards, Richmond, California, United States. ww2dbase [Antoine Saugrain | Kaiser Richmond Shipyards | Richmond, California | CPC]
15 Aug 1943
United States
United States
- SS Antoine Saugrain was launched at Yard No. 2, Kaiser Richmond Shipyards, Richmond, California, United States. ww2dbase [Antoine Saugrain | Kaiser Richmond Shipyards | Richmond, California | CPC]
11 Apr 1944
United States
United States
- Haskell-class Attack Transport USS Sarasota was laid down at Kaiser Richmond Shipyard No. 2. This was the first of 22 Haskell-class ship built at the Richmond yards. ww2dbase [Kaiser Richmond Shipyards | Haskell-class | Richmond, California | DS]
7 Jun 1944
United States
United States
- The first of the newer, larger, and faster Victory-class ships was laid down at the Kaiser Richmond Shipyard No. 1. The ship would become SS Legion Victory and would serve until 1970. ww2dbase [Kaiser Richmond Shipyards | Victory-class | Richmond, California | DS]
14 Jul 1944
United States
United States
- The last of 489 Liberty-ships built at the Kaiser Richmond Shipyards, the Benjamin Warner, was delivered to the Navy after 18 days on the ways and 13 days on the water being fitted out. ww2dbase [Kaiser Richmond Shipyards | Liberty-class | Richmond, California | DS]
10 Nov 1944
United States
United States
- The keel of Hobbs Victory was laid down at Yard No. 2, Kaiser Richmond Shipyards, Richmond, California, United States. ww2dbase [Kaiser Richmond Shipyards | Hobbs Victory | Richmond, California | CPC]
9 Jan 1945
United States
United States
- SS Hobbs Victory was launched at Yard No. 2, Kaiser Richmond Shipyards, Richmond, California, United States. ww2dbase [Hobbs Victory | Kaiser Richmond Shipyards | Richmond, California | CPC]
1 Apr 1946
United States
United States
- [date appx] The last ship built at the Kaiser Richmond Shipyards was completed as the C-4-class bulk merchant ship SS Marine Snapper. The ship was scrapped in 1972. ww2dbase [Kaiser Richmond Shipyards | Richmond, California | DS]
Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis
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