27 Nov 1944
  • USS Franklin arrived at Puget Sound Navy Yard, Bremerton, Washington, United States for repairs. ww2dbase [Franklin | Puget Sound Navy Yard | CPC]
  • A mistake by an armourer at an underground bomb dump at Hanbury, near Burton-on-Trent, England, United Kingdom triggered a massive explosion as 4,000 tons of bombs went off at once. The blast instantly gouged a 12 acre hole in the ground and the tremors were picked up by seismolograph in Geneva, Switzerland and Casablanca, French Morocco. Forty people were killed in the blast, by falling debris or by suffocation trapped underground. The blast caused a nearby reservoir to collapse and six million gallons of rubble-filled water poured down into the bomb dump, killing 27 men working in the offices on the surface. The blast represented only 10 percent of the explosives in the dump. If the lot had gone off, it would have cause a bigger explosion than the atomic bombs dropped on Japan. Today there is still a crater a quarter-mile wide and 100 feet deep at the site which is sealed off because of the unexploded bombs still lying beneath the surface. ww2dbase [AC]
  • The German prison ship, Rigel, carrying 2,248 Soviet prisoners of war, was sunk in error by British carrier-borne aircraft off the coast of Norway. Only 415 survived. ww2dbase [AC]
  • Intelligence officer Captain Fritz Ringwald of USAAF 415th Night Fighter Squadron reported that the Beaufighter flown by Don Meiers and Ed Schleuter was chased by unidentified "foo fighters", which was a term coined by Meiers. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • Richard O'Connor stepped down as the commanding officer of VIII Corps and was made the commanding officer of Eastern Command in India. ww2dbase [Richard O'Connor | CPC]
  • A V-2 rocket impacted on Teniers Square, Antwerp, Belgium, as an Allied military convoy was passing through. The explosion killed 157 persons, including 29 Allied soldiers. ww2dbase [Vergeltungswaffe 2 | V-Weapons Campaign | Antwerp | AC]
Caroline Islands Hungary Japan Pacific Ocean
  • USS Preston guarded carriers while the carriers launched strikes against Luzon, Philippine Islands. ww2dbase [Preston (Fletcher-class) | CPC]
Philippines Russia
  • Marcel Albert was made a Hero of the Soviet Union and was also awarded the Order of Lenin. ww2dbase [Marcel Albert | CPC]
  • Patrol Boat No. 102 departed Saei District of Takao (Chinese: Zuoying District of Kaohsiung), Taiwan at 1448 hours and arrived at the main naval port at Takao at 1533 hours. ww2dbase [Stewart | Takao | CPC]
United States Photo(s) dated 27 Nov 1944
Crewmen of USS St. Louis fighting fires in the hangar, after the ship was struck by a special attack airccraft off Leyte, Philippine Islands, 27 Nov 1944; note wrecked SOC aircraft in backgroundThe smoldering remains of a V-2 rocket attack, Teniers Square, Antwerp, Belgium, 27 Nov 1944TBM-1C Avengers, F6F Hellcats, and SB2C Helldivers of Navy Carrier Air Group 18 from USS Intrepid at Peleliu, Nov 27, 1944.Cruiser USS St. Louis in Leyte Gulf, Philippines immediately after being struck by an Aichi D3A “Val” dive bomber, 27 Nov 1944.
See all photos dated 27 Nov 1944

27 Nov 1944 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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